Battlefield 4

I just played Battlefield 4 on my PS4. I already own the PC version, but the PS4 version was on sale for around $5. I used to despise using controllers for FPS games, but I forced myself to learn how to do it and now I love it. The PS4 controllers are amazing little devices.

Development Environment

I write most of my code using Komodo Edit in a Windows VDI. I use the Bitnami WAMP stack and Windows bash shell with Git. It’s a case of making do with what’s available. The servers are running Oracle Linux, so I SSH into the server and pull from the Git repository where I’ve pushed my code. All I need is a text editor with snippets and a find and replace that supports regular expressions.


computer-guts-1478422-639x427This blog is about computing technology as it relates to my areas of interest and expertise, from web programming to video games and consumer computing technologies such as gaming rigs and mobile devices.

I started my career with a BA in English (Technical Writing) from Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio in 1998. My first profession experience was as Documentation Specialist for the computing department at my alma mater. I was responsible for writing, editing, and publishing documentation; creating and conducting training for our constituents; and designing, developing, and maintaining our website.

In December of 2000, I moved into the position of Web Designer and then a year or so later into web programming (my current title is Senior Web Programmer). I was much more interested in how websites were built and run than in graphic design. I’m skilled in both client and server-side development. I started out coding mostly Perl on the back end until later moving on to PHP as the language matured. I’ve worked primarily in LAMP (Linux/Unix, Apache, MySQL, and Perl/PHP/Python) environments, designing and administering web applications and databases from conception to deployment.

In addition to custom code, I’ve made use of WordPress, Drupal, Salesforce, and a variety of other platforms and tools. I currently write most of my code in Komodo Edit in a VDI environment.

I use a variety of computing tools and devices. I’m writing this post on an Acer Chromebook I recently acquired. My phone platform of choice is Android, but I’ve owned iOS and Windows devices as well. I currently consume much of my mobile video content on an Amazon Fire tablet, play games on PS4 and PC, and watch the majority of my home entertainment via various streaming devices (including Fire TV, nVidia Shield, PS4, and Sony Blu-ray players).